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BRICS STI Framework Programme






Micro and Nanoscale Design of Thermally Actuating Systems

(Project number 612585, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES Marie Curie Actions— International Research Staff Exchange Scheme) 



Project Coordinator

- Universitatea “Politehnica” din Timisoara, Romania.


- NOVA.id.FCT -Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
- Universitat de les Illes Baleares (UIB), Espanha, 
- Cranfield University (CU), UK,
- Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG), Portugal,
- Instituto Militar de Engnharia (IME), Brazil,
- University of Waterloo (WU), Canadá,
- Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India; 
- Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering & Electronics of RAS, Russia,
- University of Science and Technology (USTB), Beijing, China. 


Nowadays extended socio-economical evolution and international collaboration lead to an unprecedented progress in materials research, by discoveries of new materials on one hand and by the development of known structural and functional materials functionality on the other, as well as by the extension of the research area toward nanodimensional realm. Smart or Intelligent Systems based on functional materials – a promise and a challenge at the same time - are currently the object of intense research, with much of the effort dedicated to the actuating function. In recent years it has been observed that the functionality can be significantly improved by micro and nanostructural control. The Micro and Nanoscale Design of Thermally Actuating Systems – MIDAS - project aims to develop long-lasting cooperation based on the transfer of knowledge and networking activities between European and eligible Third country partners, through a coordinated research activity, focused on improving the functionality of shape memory alloys, as elements for sustainable development and progress through innovation. The proposal involves well-established research teams with significant activity, relevant scientific results and complementary of expertise related to fields like: Physics, Mechanical engineering or Materials Science as well as with proven potential to develop research-related activities in the field of the proposal. The proposal has an important applicative component, thus it will address actors in private companies interested in exploiting the results of the proposal.
The main objectives of the MIDAS project, identified within the framework of the FP7- IRSES Call are:
• To set-up a network of collaborative applied research between partners involved in complementary activities with the aim to develop actuating materials and applications.
• To explore novel paths for enhancing the functionality of thermally actuated materials belonging to the shape memory alloy group. The use of a knowledge diversity related to the formation and fields is expected to be the driving force in the effort to find new paths.
• To identify innovative ideas worth to be considered by private companies for the development and optimization of novel applications.
• To provide a framework for optimal transfer of knowledge between the partners and between generations of scientists via adequately tailored exchange programs for each type of exchange beneficiary.
• To generate a proper environment for interaction with private entrepreneurs interested in exploiting the results of the research collaboration.
• To provide knowledge to be shared in educational activities as well as for dissemination of information to other socio-economical actors and 
• To provide a basis for advanced research activities and to favor the collaboration and its expansion even beyond the funding provided by this call, via new joint grant applications, publications or conferences and seminars.
Specific objectives derived from these are identified in relationship with the Work Packages designed for the MIDAS project.